02. November 2021
FINAL partners meeting of the EMPATIA project
Partners of the project Education Model for Parents of Athletes in Academics (EMPATIA) met on October 29 in person in Rome, with some partners attending also online, reviewing the main project outcomes and setting the final tasks before the project officially concludes the end of November.EMPATIA offers an educational platform for parents and..
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25. September 2021
EMPATIA project showcased at 2021 EAS Conference
The European Athlete Student (EAS) - the dual career network held its 2021 annual Conference and General Assembly on September 20-22 in a hybrid mode - online and live in Lisbon, Portugal.The overall theme of the Conference was Dual Career - A stronger bridge between Sport and Education, covering the sports policies and illustrating examples of..
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08. April 2021
Successful presentations of national EMPATIA workshops
In the past few months, workshops have been organised in several European countries, targeting parents and guardians of athletes in education and promoting the EMPATIA project and its educational platform. The series of national workshops was kicked off on December 5 with an online event in Ireland, coordinated by the Sport Ireland Institute and..
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21. December 2020
Defining the next steps
Partners of the Erasmus+ project Education Model for Parents of AThletes In Academics (EMPATIA) met online on December 21 for a virtual meeting, plan the next steps in promotion, dissemination and engagement, as well as to conclude some operational and administrative matters for this EU-funded project promoting dual career.The educational platform..
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30. November 2020
EMPATIA presented at the EAS Virtual Cafe
European Athlete as Student (EAS) - the Dual Career Network organised an online Cafe on the topic of Parenting Dual Career Athletes on Monday, November 30, 2020.Participants were welcomed by EAS President Ms Laura Capranica, who gave a short introduction to the topic and stressed the complexity of dual career model, and the importance of parents..
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