Partners of the Erasmus+ project Education Model for Parents of AThletes In Academics (EMPATIA) met in Dublin, Ireland on February 6 and 7, hosted by Sport Ireland Institute at the Sport Ireland Campus.
The main aim of the meeting was to finalise the educational content for the online platform, as well as testing the platform itself. Other parts of the project, incluing overall progress and management, as well as specific phases, were discussed as well.
The project started in the beginning of 2018 and is concluding end of 2020. It is coordinated by the University of Ljubljana, partnered by the University of Rome Foro Italico, University of Coimbra, University of Limerick, INSEP France, European Athlete as Student (EAS) dual career network, EUSA Institute, Italian Olympic Committee (CONI), Sport Ireland Institute and Ginasio Clube Figuirense.
The EMPATIA project is co-funded by the Erasmus+ Programme of the European Union as a Sports Collaborative Partnership. Its aim is to promote and implement dual career, especially targeting parents and guardians of talented and elite athletes who have primary responsibilities in supporting the combination of sport and education careers of their progeny for a holistic development as future European citizens and employees.
For more information on EMPATIA and topic of dual career, please follow #empatiasport and our @EmpatiaSport channels on Facebook and Twitter.
EMPATIA partners meet in Dublin
08. February 2020